Tax returns articles

  • Property taxes collected

    Madera County Treasurer-Tax Collector Tracy Kenney announced that more than $70 million in property tax payments were collected and posted within the last 10 days of the April 10 deadline. “This fiscal year, we have processed more than 130,000 installments, collecting more than $250 million in current secured and supplemental taxes,” Kennedy said. Kennedy is also pleased to report that all payments were posted and balanced by April 12. The revenue from property taxes are used for funding local...
  • Author Burlingame returns to his roots

    Editor’s note: The Daily World recently caught up with Aberdeen native Jeff Burlingame to talk about his latest book.
  • Soundbites: Waking Windows Returns

    Things were looking pretty dismal for the state of music fests in Vermont this time last year. The Burlington Discover Jazz Festival had been cut in half, Grand Point North was MIA, and Waking Windows was rumored to be disappearing. Easily the coolest thing to happen to Winooski since the town almost went all Buckminster Fuller in the '70s and covered itself in a dome, Waking Windows has been bringing killer lineups of indie rock and underground music to the Onion City since 2011. The...