Tommy rich articles

  • Nearby TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet may have a rich atmosphere after all

    Atmospheres — do Earth-like alien planets have them or not? This is the killer question currently facing astronomers. In this context, “Earth-like” means terrestrial (i.e. rocky worlds) planets close enough to Earth’s mass and other conditions that we might imagine them hosting the holy grail of astrobiology: an alien biosphere. But you can’t have a biosphere unless you first have an atmosphere for all that life to breathe. And while finding signatures of biospheres (i.e. biosignatures) is going...
  • Rich should save for own social care, says Theresa May

    Theresa May acknowledged she had made mistakes with her own social care proposals, and said difficult conversations needed to be had with voters.
  • Rich "Lead Lady" from Roman times may have been poor

    The remains of a rich Roman woman in a grave found during works in the centre of Nijmegen in 2001 could turn out belong to a menial worker, closer inspection by archeologists has shown. The remains were buried in a lead coffin which led archeologists to believe that the occupant must have been a well-to-do Roman woman. However, the “Lead Lady” as she was christened, may have been been far from rich, an investigation has found. “It’s a warning to