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    Spacecraft to collect samples from rarely explored area after landing heralded as ‘enormous technical achievement’China has landed its uncrewed Chang’e-6 lunar probe on the far side of the moon, marking an important step in the country’s 53-day mission to retrieve rock and soil samples from the “dark” lunar hemisphere, in what would be a world first.The landing elevates China’s space power status in a global rush to the moon, where countries including the US are hoping to exploit lunar minerals...
  • Chinese Spacecraft Lands On The Moon’s Far Side In Growing Space Rivalry With US

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  • Chinese spacecraft makes a successful landing on the far side of the moon to gather soil samples in rivalry with the U.S.

    A Chinese spacecraft has successfully landed on the far side of the moon to gather soil and rock samples, according to the Associated Press. The goal of the mission is to learn more about the substances on the lesser-known side of the moon.The landing module touched down on Sunday at 6:23 a.m. Beijing time. It made contact with the moon in a huge crater known as the South Pole-Aitken Basin, according to the China National Space Administration. The report mentioned the landing represents the...