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  • Google Paid Apple $20 Billion in 2022 to Be Default Safari Search Engine

    Google paid Apple $20 billion in 2022 to be the default search engine for Safari on iPhone, iPad, and Mac, reports Bloomberg. The information was revealed in court documents Google provided in its antitrust dispute with the United States Department of Justice. The DoJ has accused Google of having a monopoly on search, and in the lawsuit against Google, the search engine deal with Apple has been a major focus. In November, lawsuit documents indicated that Google was paying 36 percent of the...
  • Google paid Apple $26.3b to be default search engine in Safari in 2021, it was just $20b in 2022

    New court documents filed in the ongoing antitrust lawsuit against Google reveal a decline in Google’s payments to Apple for keeping it the default search engine on Safari. In 2022, Google paid Apple $20 billion for this privilege, down from $26.3 billion in 2021. This information is important because the Department of Justice (DOJ) argues that […]
  • Google paid Apple $20 Billion to be default search engine in 2022

    The ongoing antitrust lawsuit against Alphabet by the Justice Department has revealed that Google paid Apple a staggering $20 billion in 2022 for default search engine status. In 2022, Alphabet paid Apple $20 billion Google's relationship has been under heavy scrutiny during an antitrust lawsuit accusing the company of using its size as an advantage to prevent competitors from entering the search market. One of the biggest issues in question is how much it pays Apple, which was...