Axis of resistance articles

  • The Road to a Stateless Axis of Resistance

    “Modernity is one of the most delicate and vital issues confronting us, the people of non-European countries and Islamic Societies. A more important issue is the relationship between an imposed modernization and genuine civilization. We must discover if modernity as is claimed is a synonym for being civilized, or if it is an altogether different More
  • Axis

    There is a flood of articles in many journals speculating about the return of Cold War geopolitical dynamics. That return, I believe, is inevitable.
  • What is antimicrobial resistance and how big a problem is it?

    Bacteria resistant to antibiotics led to 1.27 million deaths in 2019. The answer is a ‘one health’ approach across all species, experts sayIt kills millions every year, with a potential impact in the near future that could dwarf that of the Covid-19 pandemic but AMR, or antimicrobial resistance, remains a little-known problem outside specialist circles.Experts say it is vital that we get a grip on it, with action needed across sectors from health to agriculture. Continue reading