Better life guide articles

  • Life and Life Only

    A good memoir should be more than an autobiography and less than a confessional but contain elements of both. As a reader, I am less interested in being overwhelmed with family trauma and pathos except when it informs the greater tale being told. Quite often, it is the memoirs that feature an excess of pathos More
  • Life was better in the 1990s

    Does anyone else miss the nineties terribly? Everything seemed simpler in that pre-internet era of The Fast Show, the band…What to read next: The BBC Proms could do much better than Sam Smith | Why can’t Stonewall’s ex-boss come clean about its trans obsession? | Taylor Swift is a rotter | Whisper it, but Rishi Sunak has had a good week
  • The untold story of a Mexican farmworker's journey to a better life

    My grandmother told me about the missing notebook. It had a blue cover, she said, and was unmarked except for “cuaderno de trabajo" written in the italicized superscript taught in elementary schools around Mexico. Kept by my grandfather when he labored on farms and orchards in the United States, the notebook recorded where he had worked, how much money he earned and — most important — where that money went. The problem, my grandmother said, was that the “notebook of work” probably had been...