British articles

  • British Columbia to recriminalize use of drugs in public spaces

    Province says people who don't pose threat to public safety will not be charged for mere possession.
  • British man seriously injured in Tobago shark attack

    A 64-year-old British man is receiving “critical care” after he was attacked by a shark 10 meters from the shore in Scarborough, Trinidad and Tobago. According to Farley Chavez Augustine, the Chief Secretary of Tobago, the man was attacked on Friday morning local time by what appeared to be a bull shark. Augustine said that the victim’s left thigh and left arm from the elbow down were “severed,” and that the man’s stomach was lacerated. Some of his fingers were able to be reattached after...
  • How brilliant female British TV detectives helped me understand myself

    These stunning, extremely relatable women, with nuanced facial expressions and sensible shoes, helped me outline success on my own termsI love watching television – ideally in bed with a bowl of salt and vinegar potato chips and a bottle of Coke, zoning out for hours.I’ve always been like this. In my teens and 20s I watched back-to-back-to-back Law & Order and Law & Order SVU episodes. I loved the comfort and reliability of the form: the drama of a murder, investigation, plot twist and...