Cognitive articles

  • The Cognitive Benefits of Being Bilingual in Spanish and English

    Being bilingual in Spanish and English offers more than just social advantages. It sharpens your mind and boosts your cognitive abilities. Studies show that using two languages engages your brain more intensely. This can lead to better memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities. Plus, it can delay cognitive decline as you age. Whether you are […]
  • Soccer heading found to impair cognitive function

    A recent study on soccer players found that heading a soccer ball can impair cognitive function and disrupt the organization of neural processes associated with this activity. The findings were published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Soccer heading is a technique where players use their foreheads to strike and direct the ball. It is commonly used for passing, scoring goals, and defensive clears. Effective heading requires precise timing, positioning, and the ability to generate power...
  • The Shadow War: Cognitive Warfare and the Politics of Disinformation

    For better or for worse, we live in a world that is an anarchy of nations. Over the last few decades, warfare has transcended traditional battlefields. We may already be experiencing a cold World War III, not with bombs and tanks, but through the covert methods of cognitive warfare and disinformation campaigns. IT professionals find themselves literally in the trenches of this war.