Crisis articles

  • Letters to the Editor: Metro has a safety crisis because America has a poverty crisis. We can fix both

    To the editor: I've lived in the L.A. area since 2007 and have been a champion of public transit. Yet, in the last five years, I've seen the degradation throughout the system as reported in your recent articles on Metro safety. Yes, we have to make our bus drivers and other personnel safe. But we're also dealing with a problem occasioned by our nation's failure to deal with poverty. As more and more people become homeless, drug-addicted, frightened and broken, violence grows. We can't make life...
  • The masculinity crisis, explained

    Young men are increasingly finding themselves single and struggling to meet traditional expectations. Journalist Christine Emba breaks down the masculinity crisis and what can be done to fix it.  The rise of “manfluencers” like Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan reflects a new type of masculinity that both challenges and redefines what it means to be a man today. While these influencers often offer empathy and simple life advice, their viewpoints tend to escalate into misogyny,...
  • This poor koala is having an existential crisis

    Ozzy Man Reviews has done it again. Here's a recent commentary where he takes the point of view of a poor koala that was stuck in a hole. Some kind strangers tried to help rescue the poor chap by dragging a huge tree branch and throwing it down into the hole so that the koala could use it to climb out. — Read the rest