Extreme weather articles

  • Weatherwatch: What’s driving California’s extreme weather?

    Shifting atmospheric circulation patterns have placed US state in frontline of climate crisisChanging weather patterns might not have been foremost in Bob Dylan’s mind when he wrote The Times They Are A-Changin’, but his lyrics seem apt now. Rising greenhouse gases are altering the world’s weather patterns and new research demonstrates how increased emissions have shifted atmospheric circulation patterns, resulting in more frequent extreme weather events around the world.California in North...
  • Dutch take extreme weather in their stride at holiday time

    Soaring temperatures, thunderstorms and floods are leading 38% of Dutch people to rethink their summer holiday plans, according to new research by the Dutch tourist board NBTC. The board asked 7,000 people in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Britain, France, the US and China about their holiday plans and in total, 46% said extreme weather would influence their choice of destination. But the Dutch, alongside the Germans, were the least likely to take extreme weather conditions into account....
  • Many Missouri households unprepared for extreme weather, survey reveals

    MISSOURI (KSNF) — In recent years, natural disasters such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes have become increasingly frequent. Recently, ServiceMaster Restoration by Zaba commissioned a survey of 3,000 respondents to gauge the level of preparedness among households for coping with catastrophic weather conditions. Nationally, the survey revealed that 31% of households do not take any proactive []