Homemade pastries articles

  • 32p Homemade Pesticide for Plants

    Ingredients: 1 garlic bulb: £0.30 1 teaspoon mild liquid soap: £0.02 2 cups of water: Free Instructions: Application: Spray on plant leaves and stems in the early morning or late afternoon. Reapply every few days or after rain. Expert Tips: According to the Drainage Channel expert: "Garlic has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an effective deterrent against common garden pests." They also recommend testing the spray on a small area first to ensure it doesn't harm the...
  • 32p Homemade Pesticide for Plants

    Ingredients: 1 garlic bulb: £0.30 1 teaspoon mild liquid soap: £0.02 2 cups of water: Free Instructions: Application: Spray on plant leaves and stems in the early morning or late afternoon. Reapply every few days or after rain. Expert Tips: According to the Drainage Channel expert: "Garlic has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an effective deterrent against common garden pests." They also recommend testing the spray on a small area first to ensure it doesn't harm the...
  • Revolutionary 'Quick-Acting' Homemade Carpet Cleaner

    As we prepare our homes for the bustling activity of family gatherings and everyday living, the need for a reliable carpet cleaning solution becomes paramount. Adam, from Bust The Dust, explains that with just a few common household items, anyone can prepare a powerful cleaning agent that leaves carpets looking new and fresh. The recipe, costing mere pennies per liter to make, involves ingredients likely already in your pantry. "With distilled water, white vinegar, dishwashing liquid, baking...