Human rights watch articles

  • US finds Israeli military units violated human rights

    Welcome to The Hill's Defense & NatSec newsletter {beacon} Defense &National Security Defense &National Security   The Big Story US finds Israeli military units violated human rights The State Department has determined that at least five Israeli military units were involved in gross violations of human rights, but is holding back on imposing any consequences
  • State Department must slam the door on human rights fraud

    President Joe Biden sees himself as a human rights president, but his legacy is the opposite. Whether through negligence or a desire to prioritize friends over fact, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan increasingly turn a blind eye if not endorse human rights fraud. Many human rights and conflict resolution […]
  • Canada recognizes housing as a human right. Few provinces have followed suit

    ST. JOHN'S, N.L. - As more Canadians find themselves struggling to afford or find housing, the country's smallest province is the only one that can point to legislation recognizing housing as a human right. The Canadian Press asked every province whether it agreed with the federal housing advocate that shelter is a human right, and if it intends to introduce legislation upholding that right. Most did not answer the questions directly and responded with a laundry list of initiatives...