Kari lake articles

  • Tensions grow with Kari Lake

    Tensions grow with Kari Lake (First column, 11th story, link) Related stories:WAXMAN: WHY DID DIRTY PECKER SNITCH ON STAND?POLL: More than half of voters think Trump committed crimesDon could have to wear an ankle tag under house arrestHaley Supporters Biggest VulnerabilityTaxes, Tariffs, Debt: Investors Start to Fear Election
  • Trump Is Souring On Kari Lake

    The Washington Post published a new story Monday revealing that Donald Trump has all but ruled out choosing Arizona Senate candidate and election denier Kari Lake as his running mate
  • Kari Lake's flip-flop on abortion has conservatives fuming

    The Arizona Supreme Court recently ruled to stay a total abortion ban, and Kari Lake’s moderate response drew criticism from pro-lifers — including Allie Beth Stuckey. The court had allowed an 1864 statute banning abortion to stand, which Lake called “out of line with where the people of this state are.” “This very moderate, sophisticated, pragmatic, pseudo-compassionate stance that we actually need to be much more middle of the road on abortion,” Stuckey says, is “absolutely egregious.” ...