Marine life articles

  • The Gift of Life

    The month of April is National Donate Life Month, and to raise awareness about the critical need for organ donors in New York State, community leaders in Malone gathered this week to honor a local organ donor, Jodi Andrews, and her incredible gift of life. Andrews, a mom & grandmother, died unexpectedly last fall at the age of 52. Her decision to register as an organ donor saved the lives of four other people who were in desperate need of […]
  • My Very Gonzo Life

    A conversation with Dave Goelz, the man who for nearly 50 years has served as the voice and puppeteer of Gonzo — the pain-loving, dare-deviling, chicken-dating, Charles Dickens-impersonating, furry blue star of the Muppets
  • Life was better in the 1990s

    Does anyone else miss the nineties terribly? Everything seemed simpler in that pre-internet era of The Fast Show, the band…What to read next: The BBC Proms could do much better than Sam Smith | Why can’t Stonewall’s ex-boss come clean about its trans obsession? | Taylor Swift is a rotter | Whisper it, but Rishi Sunak has had a good week