Optimism articles

  • Optimizing excellence and empowerment

    Innovators who passed through the first phase of Dragon Tank pitched their ideas to 81st Training Wing leadership here, April 4. Innovators first submitted their ideas to representatives from finance, legal and contracting for approval. Once their proposals were determined feasible, innovators moved onto the next phase of the competition.
  • Fully Optimized Characters for the Guardians

    I play a lot of the tabletop roleplaying game Dungeons and Dragons. For the better part of my last 7-8 years, I’ve played some form of
  • How evolution has optimized the magnetic sensor in birds

    Migratory birds are able to navigate and orientate with astonishing accuracy using various mechanisms, including a magnetic compass. A team led by biologists Dr. Corinna Langebrake and Prof. Dr. Miriam Liedvogel from the University of Oldenburg and the Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland" in Wilhelmshaven has now compared the genomes of several hundred bird species and found further evidence that a specific protein in the birds' eyes is the magnetoreceptor which underlies this...