Psd-pnl candidate articles

  • Seven Dyson Sphere Candidates

    I’m enjoying the conversation about Project Hephaistos engendered by the article on Dyson spheres. In particular, Al Jackson and Alex Tolley have been kicking around the notion of Dyson sphere alternatives, ways of preserving a civilization that are, in Alex’s words, less ‘grabby’ and more accepting of their resource limitations. Or as Al puts it: One would think that a civilization that can build a ‘Dyson Swarm’ for energy and natural resources would have a very advanced technology. Why then...
  • The Only Ceasefire Candidate on the Presidential Primary

    by Anonymous We know Biden is the Democratic nominee. He doesn’t need your primary vote. Voting for Marianne Williamson sends the visible message that we demand more progressive policies and we demand peace. If Marianne gets 15% of the primary vote in even one Oregon distirct, she will gain delegates and have a voice at the Democratic National Convention to speak on the actions that Biden isn’t taking, like Medicare for all, a guaranteed living wage,...
  • Democrats concerned about Meridian candidate

    Some Democratic party leaders and elected officials are questioning whether a candidate running for the Meridian Township Board of Trustees is a Democrat.