Pants and trousers articles

  • Charli XCX Deconstructs the No-Pants Trend

    If there's one person we can rely on to pull off no pants with aplomb, it's Charli XCX.The pop star, who never shies away from a statement look, put her own sp
  • Oh, so that's why Lenny Kravitz works out in leather pants

    Lenny Kravitz works out when he feels like it. An overwhelming desire to lift large weights apparently can strike out of the blue: Gym. NOW. And if he's wearing a mesh tank top, Ray-Bans, boots and leather trousers, so what? Stopping to peel off one's pants could derail the whole enterprise. "A lot of times I'm coming from somewhere or I'm going somewhere," the Grammy winner — whose "Blue Electric Light" studio album drops May 24 — told Variety. "And I just don't care. "I'm gonna pop in, I’ve...
  • Dua Lipa's lace-up trousers have too many cutouts to count

    While most of us are celebrating the May bank holiday, the fashion fans amongst us are eagerly counting down until tomorrow evening: when the Met Gala will be in full swing to raise funds for the Met's Costume Institute. Yep, it's almost the time of the year which sees the heavy-hitters of the fashion and entertainment worlds come together for a style extravaganza for the ages. However, in the interim, the world of fashion still goes on - at least if Dua Lipa's Instagram is anything to go by.Not...