Adhd articles

  • The Best ADHD Alternatives In 2024

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is like having a super energetic brain, but sometimes it can feel like a whirlwind that's hard to control. Imagine trying to focus on one thing when your mind keeps bouncing around like a pinball machine! It can make schoolwork, chores, and even hanging out with friends feel like climbing a mountain.
  • Dyslexia and ADHD diagnoses should not just be reserved for the wealthy

    One in seven people are neurodivergent but far too few get the help they need early. Universal screening will ensure no child with dyslexia or ADHD is left behind, says Matt Hancock Battered, bruised, and blistered. Just a few words that describe how I’m feeling following Sunday’s London Marathon. This year I was running (hobbling []
  • Decision-making deficits predict social difficulties in children with ADHD

    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often linked with difficulties in social interactions. Recent research published in Scientific Reports has shed light on how decision-making deficits, particularly impulsivity and the inability to delay gratification, play a crucial role in the social challenges faced by children and adolescents with ADHD. The study reveals that these decision-making challenges are consistent over time and significantly predict social difficulties. Previous...