Attention articles

  • Construction workers bring attention to payroll fraud

    Construction workers flooded Michigan’s State Capitol on Thursday in hopes of bringing attention to the issue of payroll fraud.
  • Attention Megachurch Leaders: Immediate Response Needed

    I'm not against megachurches. God often blesses a work, and a church grows, but there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Some megachurches are doctrinally sound, filled with excitement and expectations, while others have a mere motivational speaker leading them away from theological depth and width. Or worse yet, the recent disaster at a men's conference where Mark Driscoll rebuked the tasteless male performer in a performance better suited for America's Got Talent than a house of worship....
  • Why Biden Pointed America's Attention Away From the Cross

    William McKane (1921- 2004) was a Jewish, Hebrew and Hebraic studies specialist. The distinguished Old Testament scholar and former professor emeritus of Hebrew and Oriental languages at St. Andrews University noted in his "Proverbs Commentary": There is a kind of person who turns Yahweh's order upside down and who tries to draw others into his wrongheadedness and confusion by creating ethical chaos. He walks along the paths of darkness [Proverbs 2:13b], himself devoid of all ethical...