Builds articles

  • What historical buildings destroyed in Syria during the war?

    Shafaqna English | AI & HI adopted content- The war in Syria has tragically led to the destruction of several historical buildings, including the ancient city of Aleppo, parts of the Old City of Damascus, the Crac des Chevaliers, and the Temple of Bel in Palmyra, among others. It’s a
  • 6 mistakes to avoid when building your brand

    Today, it feels like everybody has a brand. From major corporations to celebrities and young entrepreneurs, the digital landscape and social media have democratized brand launches. While capital is helpful, it’s not the decisive factor in a brand’s longevity. For the past 25 years, I have been building brands globally, from iconic transformations to startups taking their first steps. I believe in the power of a brand to embody ideas, inspire change, and sometimes even shape societal norms. ...
  • Overcome the 4 barriers to building a “for all” culture

    In today’s workplace, equity for all should not be relegated to the mantra of the month or treated as a “nice to have” for organizations. A recent Great Place To Work study shows that companies that build a “for all” or “innovation by all” culture generated 5.5 more revenue growth compared to less-inclusive peers. The “for all” culture also leads to greater numbers of high-quality ideas and faster implementation.  What this means for businesses is that achieving equity for all employees of...