Conservative catholic beliefs articles

  • Pope Francis' interview must have disappointed Catholic conservatives — and progressives

    Listening to Pope Francis' television interview with CBS News’ Nora O’Donnell was a refreshing relief from the retro and reductive Harrison Butker commencement address at Benedictine College, where Butker suggested that women were at their best as mothers and that there was much disorder in the church. Butker should run the hourlong discussion on a loop at home and study it. He might learn a few things about what Catholic teaching really is. Pope Francis’ conversation with O’Donnell was not...
  • Catholic graduation speaker gives advice to Catholic school graduates. Film at 11

    The online reaction to Harrison Butker’s graduation speech at Benedictine College shows us many broken things about our broken culture, but one of the more disturbing lessons involves technology and how our brains have evolved. It was totally predictable that folks on social media and in the news media would freak out that a man […]
  • The value of failure in conservation programs

    Conservation programs need—and often incentivize—community involvement. For example, a program in Zanzibar, Tanzania, asked communities to protect their village forests in exchange for access to the carbon credits market. Despite community enthusiasm for the program, the international partners failed to secure accreditation. To the extent failed projects may disincentivize future participation, such outcomes are concerning, and yet the impact of project collapse on future engagement has received...