Cpu articles

  • The Best CPU Deals for May 2024

    Building your dream computer? We've got the best prices on processors from Intel and AMD.
  • How to check CPU core usage on Windows 11

    Checking your PC’s usage of each CPU core is a good way to determine how your system is dealing with the current workload.  This can help inform you whether you have a powerful enough processor to deal with the task or hand. Most simple tasks will only require the performance of a single CPU core, but more complex workloads, such as video editing or gaming, will require more resources. It’s difficult to determine which components of your PC are causing a performance bottleneck, but...
  • Why does one CPU core work harder than others?

    Modern CPUs are now capable of featuring a remarkable number of cores, pushing up the performance ceiling to all-new heights. For example, the Intel Core i9-14900K desktop processor is packed with 24 cores, making it far more powerful than the more basic dual-core quad-core chips. However, anyone with a PC may have noticed that most computer-based workloads will only utilise a single core. That may prove frustrating for those who have invested so much money into a processor with so many...