Email spam articles

  • How to cancel a email from sending in Gmail

    Looking to undo sending an email you accidentally fired off in Gmail? Here is the simplest way to delete a sent email. We've all sent an email that, on second thought, could have been a little more professional; or accidentally forwarded a meme that wasn't meant to be seen by our boss. Whether you're known for your trigger fingers or you just want to know the easiest way to undo a sent email for the future, it's easy to figure out, even though you will have to move fast. Keep reading...
  • How to share big files with others over email

    Need to share a large file over email but have been hit with an error message? This common issue can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you need to send important files as soon as possible. Luckily there are a few ways to get around this limit and send large files over email, with the best way being to upload the files to a cloud service and then sharing this via email instead. It might sound complicated, but it’s easy to do. Read on to learn how to do this and send up to 10GB of...
  • Why Your Order Update Emails Are Probably Lying to You

    Ever wonder why your latest online shopping spree seems to be narrated by a suspense novelist rather than a straightforward email update? You place an order, and your inbox is immediately flooded with promises of speedy delivery. Then, the plot thickens with twists of unexpected delays and mysterious route changes. Let’s dive into the convoluted