Goods stolen articles

  • Justin BieberYou Good, Bro?

    This weekend, I—like the rest of the terminally online—was very busy making Challengers my entire personality. However, Justin Bieber was very clearly not in a theater being turned on by the best movie of 2024 (yeah, I said it). Instead, he was in his feelings. And posting about it. On Sunday, Bieber shared what looked to be a regular-degular photo dump. The first six slides are just some shots of the pop star on stage and his stash. Then, we take a hard left turn into the tear zone. In not one...
  • Nicole King - Good relations

    During one of my interviews this year with the British Ambassador, Hugh Elliott, the topic of crime and guns came up. He said that security is one of those areas where the Embassy has excellent cooperation with Spain, even counting on a team from the National Crime Agency, which works as part of the embassy […]
  • Is Biden really a 'good Catholic'?

    “He doesn’t understand the Catholic faith.” That’s what a Catholic bishop recently said about President Biden, a rosary-carrying, self-professed “good Catholic” who has spent the bulk of his presidency advancing issues and causes that explicitly violate Vatican teachings.