Health care economics articles

  • Taking care of your Mental Health

    HARLINGEN, Texas (ValleyCental) — May is Mental Health Awareness Month and South Texas Health System and STHS clinics do a program called South Texas Healthy Living on NBC 23, once a month. According to Tom Castañeda, System Director of Marketing & Public Relations for STHS said, "This month, a lot of people always think about []
  • Is the Future Blind? Vision Health and Care

    DELMARVA – Is the future blind? Taking care of your eyes is a priority, just like eating healthy and physical activity. Some citizens in Delmarva suffer from vision impairments, but not everyone can afford to address those issues. In honor of Healthy Vision Month, the CDC is teaming up with the National Eye Institute to prioritize eye health. They say
  • Dobbs has created a health care apocalypse

    Dr. Leilah Zahedi-Spung spent four years in medical school, four years in an OB-GYN residency, and three years in a maternal-fetal medicine fellowship learning how to care for high-risk pregnant patients. In her decade-plus of medical training, she learned that in some cases, the only rational and responsible option for medical intervention is an emergency […]