Linux articles

  • What are AppImages and how do you use them on Linux?

    In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Linux had a bad reputation for not having a large enough app ecosystem. Twenty-plus years later, that complaint no longer holds water. Linux has several viable routes to installing tons of applications. There's every distribution's built-in package manager, such as apt (Debian-based), dnf (Fedora-based), zypper (SUSE-based), and pacman (Arch-based). There are also universal package managers (Snap and Flatpak packages) and you can also install them from the...
  • Vodafone joins Linux edge group in industry push

    Vodafone Business signed-up to the Linux Foundation’s group focused on creating open frameworks for edge computing, joining the likes of AT&T, Arm, Samsung, Huawei and Intel in the project focused on driving the industrial internet.
  • New Velocity Micro Linux PC systems unveiled

    If you are thinking of transitioning away from Windows to something a little more customizable and a little less corporate. You might be interested in the new Linux-powered PC systems unveiled by Velocity Micro. Offering a compelling choice for users seeking customization, security, and unparalleled flexibility. Linux, the open-source operating system renowned for its robustness […]