Maine stroke survivor articles

  • Survivor 46 Finale Recap: A New Sole Survivor Has Been Crowned!

    Charlie, Ben, Maria, Kenzie, Liz. One of these Survivor castaways just won a million bucks! It’s been a long season full of blindsides, backstabs and, well, zero correct idol plays, but that didn’t stop Season 46 from going full tilt boogie right on through to the very end! While that idol tally still remains one […]
  • Baton Rouge General celebrates survivors on National Cancer Survivors Day

    BATON ROUGE - Baton Rouge General celebrated their patients who beat the odds during their National Cancer Survivors Day event on Sunday. The event celebrated those who have survived cancer, as well as the community who has supported them during their journey."Cancer touches almost everybody in some way, so having a day to celebrate and take advantage of some of the positive feelings we're having is important,” said Meghan Parrish, BRG's Vice President of Marketing &...
  • California wildfire survivor feels good about helping the survivors of Lahaina wildfires

    It was a productive day -- Jonathan Pehrson had spent it consolidating items in a remote storage unit for things that didn’t fit in the ‘fifth wheel’ that he was renting near Lake Hughes in California. It was early evening nearly four years ago, Aug. 12, 2020, and he was driving home when he realized the clouds in the distance filtering the setting sun was actually smoke from a fire that was well on its way to destroying 31,000 acres of forest and leaving him homeless.