Prison strike articles

  • The Strike of the Longshoremen: Seattle 1934

    Rise like Lions after slumber– In unvanquishable number– Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you– Ye are many — they are few.’ -Percy Bysshe Shelley On the morning of May 9, 1934, a rejuvenated International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) struck shippers in the West Coast Ports, shutting down all More
  • The importance of insurance when disaster strikes

    IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) Preparing for unexpected disasters is important. In just the past few weeks, Local News 8 has reported on attempted Rexburg apartment break-ins, a recent business fire in St. Anthony, and potential flooding. One way to be prepared is making sure you have the right insurance. Goosehead Insurance agent and broker Chad Christensen told us, "If
  • Recording lawyer and prisoner meetings would be unconstitutional

    The highest Dutch legal authority, the Council of State, has shredded parliament’s plans to record interviews between lawyers and people serving time in high security prisons, saying it would conflict with the constitution and the European human rights treaty. Justice minister Franc Weerwind had wanted to sanction visual recordings of meetings between high security prisoners and lawyers following claims that some members of the legal team had been passing on messages to the outside world. But...