Promising articles

  • "We Promise This Is Not A Person In A Bodysuit"

    "We Promise This Is Not A Person In A Bodysuit" Boston Dynamics unveiled Wednesday a new humanoid robot that creepily moves like no other robot has moved before. The new fully electric Atlas robot represents a path to commercialization and a new generation of robots that will leave folks asking if this is the beginning of the 'Skynet' (Terminator) robot. "This week we announced the retirement of our hydraulic Atlas and unveiled what comes next—a fully electric Atlas robot...
  • Broken promises, broken budgets

    In December 2021, Anthony Albanese announced his ‘plan’ to reduce electricity prices by $275 per household by 2025. He said…What to read next: The broken water politics of the Murray Darling Basin | Albanese’s Net Zero protectionism | JK Rowling puts Wikipedia’s neutrality to the test | Misdiagnosed problems and misguided solutions
  • If there's war, forget promises of EDCA bounties

    IT'S hard not to feel good or even great about our burgeoning alliances with the United States, Japan, Australia and other Western nations. Not only are they adding their forces and firepower to our efforts asserting and securing our maritime sovereign rights, but they also offer economic aid, business investment and cooperation, learning, health, and social development assistance. What's not to like?Well, there are no free lunches. Those goodies come at a hefty price — letting America and...