Quoi faire l'été à montréal articles

  • Un festival de bouffe de rue vietnamien a lieu à Montréal cet été et ça s'annonce gourmand

    La saison des festivals, des événements gastronomiques et des activités estivales débute dès le printemps au Québec et justement, un marché asiatique à Montréal sera de retour pour une seconde édition bien attendue cet été. Durant quatre jours, la culture du Vietnam sera mise à l'honneur grâce à une programmation incluant des kiosques de street food, des spectacles de chants et de danses modernes ou folkloriques, de v-pop, d'arts martiaux vietnamiens et plus encore. Sur place, tu pourras...
  • L.A. County Fair kicks off in Pomona, celebrating 102 years

    The Los Angeles County Fair kicks off on May 3 at the Pomona Fairplex. The fair is celebrating its 102 birthday this year. Visitors can enjoy plenty of rides, delicious food, games, live concerts and much more. The fair kicked off its 16-day run featuring the theme, “Stars, Stripes & Fun,” which celebrates the county’s communities. Since Los Angeles County is one of the most diverse counties nationwide, the fair aims to celebrate everyone through song, dance, exhibits, and food. KTLA's Shelby...
  • New law promises retail workers in unincorporated L.A. County 'fair workweek'

    Workers at big retail and grocery stores in unincorporated L.A. County can retain a little more control over their schedules — and rely a little less on managers’ whims — starting next summer. On Tuesday, the L.A. County Board of Supervisors voted to require that employers give those workers their schedules two weeks in advance, compensate them for last-minute schedule changes and space out their shifts by at least 10 hours. The ordinance, which will go into effect July 2025, applies to any...