Real life articles

  • Life and Life Only

    A good memoir should be more than an autobiography and less than a confessional but contain elements of both. As a reader, I am less interested in being overwhelmed with family trauma and pathos except when it informs the greater tale being told. Quite often, it is the memoirs that feature an excess of pathos More
  • Real Americans by Rachel Khong – the lottery of life

    This multigenerational tale travels from China to New York in search of the true meaning of good fortuneIt’s often said that good luck is the result of good planning: you make your own. But is our luck in life ever entirely under our control? And how much luck, and planning, might be enough? Real Americans, Rachel Khong’s second novel, strikes directly at the heart of these questions. Its Chinese-American characters are brought into contact with fabulous wealth – a prototypical stroke of luck....
  • The Sims homeownership meets the real-life housing market

    "The Sims had really kind of seeded that desire for homeownership in me at a young age," said Elle Hunt, a journalist based in the U.K. "And I'd spent the interim 20 years walking away from that dream a bit."