Statistics articles

  • Sustainability Statistics

    Sometimes good numbers alone can tell a great story. Below are six charts featured throughout ADWEEK's digital package exploring the relationship between marketing and sustainability. In 2018, just under half of all S&P 500 companies mentioned "climate change" as a possible risk or regulatory hurdle in their financial filings. In 2023, more than nine in 10 did the same. here. All Fortune 500 companies have a CEO. Most have someone in charge of finance and legal. Only 57%, however,...
  • 40 Essential Website Statistics

    From traffic trends to design principles, here are 40 essential website statistics that will help you optimize your website to stay on top.
  • Preview of Q1 NZ labour market statistics

    Next Wednesday’s reports are likely to show a further softening in labour market conditions over the first quarter of this year. We expect the unemployment rate to rise from 4.0% to 4.2% – that’s still a low level compared to history, but it’s a substantial lift from the record low of 3.2% that was