Supreme court on mob violence against minorities articles

  • Justice Sotomayor describes crying after some Supreme Court decisions

    By John Fritze, CNN (CNN) — Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the most senior liberal on the conservative Supreme Court, told an audience at Harvard University on Friday that she sometimes cries after the court hands down its decisions – and she suggested there may be more tears ahead. “There are days that I’ve come to my
  • Democrats have a new playbook for pressuring and restructuring the Supreme Court

    It might seem strange to read that Democrats are preparing to investigate a Supreme Court justice. The legislature’s authority over the top court, after all, is seriously limited. Justices’ lifetime appointments are designed precisely to shield them from the kinds of political pressures Congress or the president might bring to bear post-confirmation. It might seem even stranger to see Justice Samuel Alito splashed across the top of Politico’s Playbook and the New York Times morning...
  • Supreme Court allows South Carolina's congressional maps

    (The Center Square) — The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld South Carolina's new congressional maps following a challenge that claimed the new districts diluted the power of Black voters. South Carolina officials redrew the state's map following the 2020 Census because of population shifts in two of its seven congressional districts — District 1, which was overpopulated by 87,689 residents, and District 6, which was underpopulated by 84,741. Republican Rep. Nancy Mace holds the...