Tag:image topper articles

  • Sunday Thoughts: Image Bearers

    Have you ever noticed the sameness in our world today? Trends today seem to homogenize everybody, and even the attention-seekers in our culture all seem to look, sound, and act alike.
  • Tantalizing New Images of Europa

    What a pleasure to see new images from JunoCam, the visible-light camera aboard the Juno spacecraft that has now imaged in its peregrinations around Jupiter the surface of its most interesting moon. Our probing of Europa’s secrets has depended heavily upon the imagery returned by the Galileo spacecraft. That mission made its last flyby in 2000, and we have another wait while ESA’s Juice mission and Europa Clipper make the journey, the former enroute, the latter scheduled for an October launch. ...
  • Image released of beach murder suspect

    Detectives are continuing to investigate the death of a woman in Bournemouth and are issuing a further appeal with CCTV images to try to identify a suspect. Dorset Police received a report at 11.42pm on Friday 24 May 2024 that two people had been stabbed on Durley Chine Beach. Very sadly, a 34-year-old woman from […]