Tips to improve tech neck articles

  • 10 Tips & Tricks to Improve Your ChatGPT Prompts

    Whether you’re an aspiring developer, a dedicated content creator, or simply someone who enjoys exploring the potentials of artificial intelligence, becoming adept at creating effective prompts for ChatGPT can substantially improve both the quality and utility of your interactions with this tool. Effective prompting revolutionizes the way AI, such as ChatGPT, perceives and processes your […]
  • 10 Tricks & Tips to Improve ChatGPT-4o Prompts

    ChatGPT-4o is a powerful tool that can generate a wide range of responses based on the prompts it receives. However, to get the most out of it, it’s important to craft your prompts thoughtfully. Here are 10 tricks and tips to help you improve your ChatGPT-4o prompts and make your interactions more effective and satisfying. […]
  • Talent theater company receives $200K grant for tech improvements

    TALENT, Ore. – The Camelot Theatre Company in Talent received a $200,000 grant to help decrease their electricity usage. The money is coming from the Murdock Foundation, which supports everything from cultural events to technology. The grant plans include putting solar cells on the roof of the theater, adding a lighted marquee in front of […]