Top chef chicago articles

  • Navy chefs shine in Chicago

    U.S. Navy chefs from around the world converged at the prestigious Palmer House in Chicago to attend advanced training and receive their Captain Edward F. Ney awards for preeminence in Navy Food Service, 17-19 May. “These annual awards encourage excellence in Navy Food Service programs with the objective of improving the quality of life for our Navy personnel,” said Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy. “I commend the Navy Undersea Enterprise, Surface Warfare Enterprise, Naval...
  • Top Chef recap: All’s fair in food and war

    “It’s not a challenge. This is the war!” Laura battle-cried during Wednesday’s episode of Top Chef: Wisconsin. Yes, eight episodes in, it’s officially time for our chef-testants to take up arms for the return of Restaurant Wars. The show’s signature challenge is a polarizing one for Top Chef fans, with some loving the added drama that managing waitstaff and choosing napkins can bring to the competition, while others eye-roll their way through watching executive chefs unrealistically having to...
  • ‘Top Chef: Wisconsin’ Recap, Episode 9: ‘The Good Land’

    This is a classic example of the chefs “doing too much” and struggling to get their dishes together.