Anopheles gambiae complex articles

  • Electric Vehicle Subsidies As Complex And Costly As Ever

    Electric Vehicle Subsidies As Complex And Costly As Ever Authored by David Williams via RealClearEnergy, Electric vehicles (EVs) may be the most subsidized product in America. Federal taxpayers shell out $7,500 every time a new eligible electric vehicle is purchased (usually by wealthy buyers). State and local taxpayers chip in an additional $1,500 for each EV purchase. Then, there’s the tens of billions of dollars “invested” by policymakers into building EV plants. Even these...
  • Fly by Jing Reveals the Complexity of Sichuan Cuisine

    Stuck at home during the pandemic lockdowns of 2020, a whopping 70% of Americans began cooking for themselves—a 50% jump over the prior year. For the sake of those whose culinary acumen didn’t rise above scrambled eggs and turkey sandwiches, New York Times Cooking editor Sam Sifton penned a piece that recommended a new brand of Sichuan chili sauce that, he said, you could confidently spoon over anything—a sauce so complex and robust that “you could spread that concoction on a mitten and be very...
  • The Best Books About Complex Mother-Daughter Relationships

    Seven books to read on Mother's Day instead of going to brunch, from Vivian Gornick, Jamaica Kincaid, Xochitl Gonzalez, and more.