Optics & photonics articles

  • Demonstration of heralded three-photon entanglement on a photonic chip

    Photonic quantum computers are computational tools that leverage quantum physics and utilize particles of light (i.e., photons) as units of information processing. These computers could eventually outperform conventional quantum computers in terms of speed, while also transmitting information across longer distances.
  • What is an optical audio port and when should it be used?

    An optical audio port, also known as a TOSLINK (Toshiba Link) port, is a type of digital audio connection that uses light to transmit audio signals between devices. This port is commonly found on various consumer audio and video equipment such as home theater systems, soundbars, and game consoles. Key Takeaways : High-Quality Audio: Optical […]
  • If photons have mass, could they explain dark matter?

    When it comes to the Universe, there are some things we can be confident are out there based on what we observe. We know that the Universe was hotter, denser, and more uniform in the distant past. We know that the stars and galaxies in the Universe have grown up and evolved as the Universe has aged. We know that gravitation has formed the large-scale structure in the Universe, and that structure has grown more complex over time. And we also know how much normal matter, altogether, is present in...