Bare articles

  • A Night With the Undisputed Champ of Bare-Knuckle Boxing

    Bobby Gunn is pacing the concrete floor of an auto-body shop somewhere in the industrial badlands of a large northeastern city. “I’m worried,” he says, wringing his mallet-size hands. “I’ve heard this guy today is a head-butter.” More pacing, more hand-wringing, as Gunn sinks deeper into a momentary funk amid the garage’s taxidermy heads and faded American flags. Today’s opponent, a former marine, has a reputation for dropping his head during matches—an old trick among gloveless fighters who can...
  • Denmark moves to upgrade bare-bones military

    Embarrassing malfunctions, angry dismissals and soaring costs have recently exposed the dire state of Denmark's military after two years of generous donations to Ukraine, prompting Copenhagen to upgrade its armed forces.
  • RFK Jr declares Trump as “frightened” and “barely coherent”

    Anti-vax conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr is worried that Donald Trump's griping may sound unhinged. The Orange Menace is screaming mad that RFKjr appeals to the very base that props Trump up. Kennedy suggests the two hold a good old-fashioned Presidential debate to clear the air, but Sleepy Donald hasn't been seen on the debate stage this election. — Read the rest