Owners articles

  • It's a good time to be an asset owner

    Thanks to a strong stock market and record home prices, asset owners are feeling richer, even if it’s only on paper. Today, we get into the “wealth effect” and how it may play out in the presidential election. Also: Higher prices slow Procter & Gamble sales, the “catastrophic” halt to a Baltimore port business, and why companies change the metrics they report to investors.
  • These Are The Worst States To Be A Gun Owner In 2024

    These Are The Worst States To Be A Gun Owner In 2024 Does your state support your 2nd Amendment rights or make it exceedingly difficult to keep and bear arms? Ammo.com has ranked the worst states to be a gun owner below How? By analyzing each state’s current laws, upcoming laws, concealed carry guidelines, self-defense statutes, and 2A-centric taxes in order to identify the worst states for gun owners in 2024. Report Highlights Hawaii is the #1 worst state for gun owners...
  • Property Owners Seek to Cash In on RNC

    Metro area homes asking up to $7,000 a night during Republican National Convention.