Rules articles

  • New federal rule would bar ‘noncompete’ rules for most employees

    WASHINGTON >> U.S. companies would no longer be able to bar employees from taking jobs with competitors under a rule approved by a federal agency Tuesday, though the rule is sure to be challenged in court.
  • Colombia, Under Globalist Rule

    Degrowth policies are on the rise in Colombia. Since the leftist Gustavo Petro became the president, degrowth ideology has been at the core of his government program. From the start, Petro announced his apocalyptic vision (so common among the elites at the WEF) that “years ahead would be worse” due to climate change. That is […]
  • The Fallacy That Rules The World

    The Fallacy That Rules The World Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, Smart people know to avoid fallacies. One of them is known as the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc. It’s Latin for “after this, therefore because of this.” The classic example concerns the rooster and the sunrise. Every morning before the sun comes up, the rooster does his crazy crowing routine, waking up everyone around. Shortly after, the light begins to appear on the horizon. If you knew...