Structure:climate-and-people articles

  • Why are we so snobby about other people’s weddings?

    Weddings are once-in-a-lifetime statements of wealth, taste and social capital. Maybe it’s human nature to want to dissect themA non-exhaustive list of things I have arbitrarily strong feelings about when it comes to weddings: headbands, the number of bridesmaids (more than five is too many), espresso martinis (should be banned), Mr Brightside (argh!), “hats optional” (an edict both stuffy and stressful), any kind of day-after event.I’m hardly alone in my convictions. Here’s a non-exhaustive...
  • How climate change is shaping democracy

    From its effect on polling and political mobilisation to how voters perceive power structures, the changing environment has far-reaching repercussions.
  • Climate "Reparations" Numbers Are Rigged

    Climate "Reparations" Numbers Are Rigged Authored by Paul Mueller via the American Institute for Economic Research, Nobel Prize–winning economist Esther Duflo thinks rich countries should pay poor countries $500 billion in compensation each year for climate-change damages. It is our “moral debt.” She proposes an international 2-percent wealth tax on the ultra-rich and an increase in the global minimum corporate tax rate to fund this $500 billion transfer. Fishermen haul their...