Insects articles

  • How insects control their wings: The mysterious mechanics of insect flight

    Many of us would love the superpower to fly, and for good reason: Flight offers a crucial evolutionary advantage. Flying enables an animal to travel large distances quickly, in search of food and new habitats, while expending far less energy than walking. Through flight, insects colonized the planet and fostered the massive diversification of flowering plants by acting as efficient pollinators. They also enabled the evolution of other creatures like reptiles, birds, and mammals by serving as...
  • Study Finds That Insects and Other Animals Have Consciousness

    Recent revelations from the Bee Sensory and Behavioral Ecology Lab at Queen Mary University have unveiled the playful antics of bumblebees.
  • OFF! Botanicals Insect Repellent, Now 13% Off

    Attention nature enthusiasts, if you are about make your purchase for your upcoming camping trip, you're just in time for a fantastic deal. Now available for a limited time 13% off, OFF! Botanicals Insect Repellent is a plant-based repellent designed to protect you from annoying pests like black flies, gnats, and 'no-see-ums'. What's more, it repels mosquitoes that may carry the West Nile virus. OFF! Botanicals is not your run-of-the-mill insect repellent. It has been crafted keeping in mind...